CANNED VEGETABLES >> White Asparagus
White Asparagus

Canned asparagus are the products obtained from the asparagus spears Asparragus Officinelis L, peeled, tender, fresh, healthy and clean, packaged and sterilized. Low-calorie are rich in minerals, vitamins (C, beta-carotene and folic acid) and diuretics are an excellent aid.

  • tips of asparagus
  • Center cuts
  • Asparagus spears
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
212ml (7cm) 212ml 180 110 12 190
212ml (11cm) 212ml 180 115 12 190
370ml (16cm) 370ml 330 205 12 112
580ml (16cm) 580ml 530 320 12 80
580ml (17cm) 580 ml 530 320 12 80
720ml 720ml 700 400 12 72
FormatoCapacidadPeso NetoPeso EscurridoUnidades/CajaCajas/Pallet
1/3KG 228ml 205 135 48 72
1/2kg Rectang. 425ml 390 250 12 144
1kg Rectang. Bajo 720ml 660 425 12 80
1kg Rectang. Alto 850ml 780 500 12 100
3kg 2650ml 2650 1500 6 50